"Big Bad Mama" is a 1974 American exploitation film directed by Steve Carver and starring Angie Dickinson, William Shatner, and Tom Skerritt. The film tells the story of a mother named Wilma McClatchie, who, after her husband's death, becomes a notorious bank robber in the 1930s, along with her two daughters, Polly and Billie Jean. The movie was produced by Roger Corman, who was known for making low-budget films that were profitable at the box office.
Angie Dickinson plays the role of Wilma McClatchie, a tough and ruthless woman who turns to a life of crime to support her family after the death of her husband. She is joined by her two daughters, played by Susan Sennett and Robbie Lee, and together they rob banks and engage in other criminal activities. William Shatner plays the role of a con man named William J. Baxter, who becomes romantically involved with Wilma and joins her gang.
The film received mixed reviews upon its release but has since become a cult classic among fans of exploitation cinema. It spawned a sequel, "Big Bad Mama II," in 1987, but the sequel did not feature Angie Dickinson.