"Guncrazy" is a 1992 crime film directed by Tamra Davis. The film stars Drew Barrymore in the lead role of Anita Minteer, a young woman who becomes involved with a dangerous and charismatic criminal named Howard.
"Guncrazy" is a contemporary retelling of the classic film "Bonnie and Clyde," and tells the story of a restless young woman who becomes drawn into a life of crime and violence with her dangerous and unpredictable lover. The film is noted for its dark and brooding atmosphere, stylish cinematography, and its depiction of the psychological and emotional dynamics of the relationship between its two lead characters.
Drew Barrymore gives a standout performance as Anita, capturing the restless energy and emotional turmoil of a young woman who is struggling to find her place in the world. The film is also notable for its use of music, which includes a haunting and memorable soundtrack that sets the mood for the film's dark and intense scenes.
Overall, "Guncrazy" is a well-regarded film that is widely considered to be a standout in the crime genre. It is a testament to the talent of Drew Barrymore and Tamra Davis, and is widely regarded as a classic of 1990s cinema.